*Non-Unity Event

LIGHTWORKERS meets each Monday at 6:30 at Unity, although it is not in any way officially connected to Unity of Reading.  We are a group of individuals who share common interests, and our main purpose is for education, although sometimes entertainment is a side-product.  Among our many outré interests are NDE (Near Death Experience), OBE (Out of Body Experience), UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), early history of mankind, exopolitics, megalithic structures, reincarnation, life after death, alien visitors to Earth, cosmology; while more mundane issues include health topics, and the latest developments in science and technology.

Our resources include DVD's, CD's. tapes, movies, books and magazines as well as live presentations by qualified individuals from time to time.  Our aim is to present ideas and then encourage discussion thereby augmenting each one's personal acumen.  Just about any topic is fair game except for politics; religion does come up occasionally but only descriptively and not critically.  This is one group where you can entertain and discuss ideas that might be considered "fringe" without any fear of being branded a "kook".  Our goal is to ferret out the facts even though they may be at variance with those promulgated by the media.  We invite anyone with an open mind to join us.    There is no membership and you are free to attend any of the programs to be presented.  For more information or to receive our newsletter contact Linda Schwank at 610-779-3383

December 24th, 2018 from  6:30 PM to  9:30 PM
4443 10th Avenue
downstairs social room
Temple, PA 19560
United States
Show large map
Phone: 6109291990